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Posted by Jon ( on 17:31:45 06/November/10
I m going to add my pennies worth to debate about fake flyers - just some background, I m an old raver and had a nice boxful of flyers, know a bit about art, was in the game...but more importantly was prepared to make significant investments in buying up flyers as a potential future investment in the long term, but before I stuck my hand in my pocket I did a bit of research, and this is something all collectors need to read, before making judgements about other people, or buying flyers.
Just do a goggle image search for any of these real artists and you ll discover your flyers are not worth anymore than the paper they are printed on as they all infringe image/ artistic copyright law and these artists own the rights to all of their works, and have never been granted license to print by any rave promoter [and I ve checked], so are worthless to anyone who s buying/ collecting flyers as an investment. Only those commissioned by the likes of Pez, Junior Tomlin, Kaos, Darrell, Dave Nodz, Adrenalin Corporation, Designer Republic, Bannerama, have any credibility and have a chance of been worth anything in the future, so I m afraid you re just mugging yourselves off, if you think they are worth loads or a future investment, regardless of whether they are from 1989 or yesterday. So the argument about selling copies, fakes, reprints is mute, because the majority of original rave flyers are just ripped copies from real artists work, with a bit of text added over the top - and will always be copies from original artists work. Don t believe me - take your flyer to one of these artists and see their response.
I ve compiled a quick list below [by no means comprehensive there s many more not included], for you all to check I ve done my research, the facts don t lie...
Andrew Forrest nicked by Dreamstate and others.
Boris Vallejo nicked by too many to mention; including Bongo Furi , Dance Paradise , Europhia , Hell , Kaos , Mekka , Orgasm , Pure X , Raindance , Tooty Frootie .
Brian Froud nicked by Amnesia House and others.
Bruce Pennington nicked by Pleasuredome and others.
Carlos Ezquerra - nicked by Quest .
Daniel Boorstin nicked by Eureka .
Geoff Taylor nicked by Sheer Pleasure and others.
Hajime Sorayama nicked by Starlight , Seduction and others.
H R Giger nicked by Entropy , Fascination .
Keith Haring nicked by Dance Party .
Leonardo Da Vinci nicked by Biology , World in Action .
Melvyn Grant nicked by Eclipse .
M C Esher nicked by too many to mention; including Rapido .
Patrick Woodroffe nicked by too many to mention; including Eclipse , Evolution , Headstrong , Hyperbolic , Hypnotic , Innersense , New Age , Orange , Omen , RPM , Quayside , Srcabble , Starlight , Sunrise , Tootos .
Richard Davedon nicked by 2000AD , Labrynth .
Rodney Matthews nicked by too many to mention; including 2000AD , Groove 2 promotions , Pleasure dome , Starlight .
Salvador Dali nicked by too many to mention; including Climax , Eclipse , Enigma , Fascination .
Tim White nicked by too many to mention; including Amnesia House , Destiny , Entropy , Fusion , Fog , Frenzy , Genesis , Helter Skelter , Outer Limits , Pulse , Starlight , Time , Underground .
And many, many other legitimate professional artists [here s just a handful]...Josh Kirby, Rene Magritte, Roger Dean, Tim Hildebrandt, Michael Whelan, Philip Castle, Jim Burns, Chris Foss, Kandinsky, Peter Pracownik, Chris Achilleos, Hieronymous Bosch, John Michell, Danny Flynn, Clive Barker, Alan Aldridge ...I estimate around 50-60% of flyers infringe copyright law and therefore will never be of any monetary value - just remembered as a piece of youth, music, social history and their value should be based on this and not what s printed on them - most flyers are worth no more than a quid each the cost to print a piece of paper - imho. So whether you re buying originals, fakes, reprints, it s all the same, if they ve got a copyright infringement image on them [in whatever guise] they are worthless and in the eyes of the law all fakes. So if you re going to buy flyers, you need to check if flyers have any copyright infringement beforehand and not if they are reprints/ copies. You d be better off buying works of art from the original artists that painted them in the first place - who have no connection to rave scene and doing yourselves a favour. I would strongly recommend anyone who spends more than a couple of quid on a piece of paper, with nicked art on doesn t matter who the promoter/ what year it is - they are fooling themselves and wasting their money. The only worth they have is sentimental and not monetary. I m not trying to put anyone off collecting, but you need to know the facts, before buying, because I ve never seen it mentioned on here before and it s worth remembering. Peace. Jon