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Posted by Higguz ( on 23:24:40 09/November/10
In Reply to: Re: scans posted by lew
I dont assume anything - some of the E.S.P flyers I (not wigs) scanned & posted on to Its All About Flyers ring a bell to you? - You seem to have forgotten the post where you said "I did some prints for myself. mostly of art i cant get. I had some spares. gave some spares as gifts only. didnt have spares to make money or sell" Funny that since you were selling prints of those E.S.P flyers & others on ebay thus making money or did you give the cash to charity?
I know they were from my scans because i could see the same marks/folds/stains etc on the ones you sold & the same goes for other bits you were selling from the scans on I.A.A.F.The copy right thing you talk about must surely go two ways,did you have permission to sell prints of the flyers? Did you ask Pez if you could sell prints of flyers with his artwork on?? People put stuff on these websites out of good faith for others to view & gain knowledge not for someone to start knocking out prints to make money - doesnt sound like sharing to me,are you gona send me some of the cash you made selling the prints! If you'd read my message properly i never said you were selling fakes - it quite clearly says you were honest enough to say they were prints/copies but you've obviously forgotten that like you forgot that you had previously been selling prints even though you "didnt have spares to make money or sell" Try looking up contradiction.
: you cheeky. daz is it ! they werent fakes. they were simply prints. i meant was i never bought a suspected copy/print when it should be real. that better for ya ! is that better for ya !!!!! is it ?
: f.y.i. A fake is something your trying to pass off as real. and just to correct you higgz. itsallaboutflyers scans are too low resolution to print. and never lifted as you say any stuff that is good enough to print from wigs. pritty nice of wigs to share his stuff thou aye higgz. even if they are low rez. how dare you say i lift/steal anything. to be fair, pritty asshole of you to assume so much and post it.
: brings me to another topic. lifting flyers. let me ask you something higgz. do you own the copyright ? if someone puts stuff online unwatermarked id say thats generous of them and cool and nobody actually lifts.steals as u have there permission. its called sharing. so dont imply i lift shit when u dont have a clue man what i have and from where. alright bud !
: : Never heard of fake flyers!! You were selling copies (to be fair you did say they were copies/reprints) on ebay of flyers using scans that you lifted from Its All About Flyers.
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: : : : Excellent summary Weed. It seems this is the debate that just keeps on and on and on....
: : : :
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: : : clever reply there weed. pissed on the dude fire quite nice. can see u got a high i.q. i tend to agree all with ya. i think flyers are alot rarer than people think. specially pre 91. if rave cave werent about, or paybacktime, ebay would be a pritty poor market. decent stuff harder to get. my reasons for collecting are for art and knowledge too. fav is art created for the rave and not pilfered art like boris.
: : :
: : : i gave neal a few spare prints i had done for myself. i dont think i gave him any sunrise. or energy ! im sure he didnt flog em and does have geniune stuff. ive had some off him. is all been original.
: : : I know the dude. hes alright. honest.
: : : if anything im sure hed refund anyone not happy.
: : : anyways,
: : :
: : : I did some prints for myself. mostly of art i cant get. I had some spares. gave some spares as gifts only. didnt have spares to make money or sell. just swap or gifts. other than my own prints i never heard of fake flyers. i dont think neals are fakes. i would be surprised anyways. if they are.
: :
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