Re: Massive longshot but hey... (Wanted)

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Posted by Marc ( on 22:27:36 01/September/14

In Reply to: Re: Massive longshot but hey... (Wanted) posted by Weed

: hi Marc, can't find anything similar -- just to check -
: black & white front (no colours at all?)
: A6 (standard, not a bit bigger or smaller?)
: cyclops (mythology, alien or ghost?)
: line drawing (black on white background?)
: single-sided?
: local event? (Dunstable / Bedfordshire)
: portrait or landscape? (vertical or horizontal)
: have you come across any similar images online?
: can you remember any other flyers you picked up at the same time?
: do you remember any of the DJs?
: have you asked on 'its all about flyers'?

I haven't yet but will thanks. Was talking to a friend about it today and she's sure it was evolution. Searched but again fruitless. I'm fairly (like 90% sure) it was a Cyclops. She seemed to think it was A5 size but I remember it as smaller. It was portrait. And just the one cross legged levitating drawing about 1cm wide in black on white card with a word (evolution probably) beneath it. There were details on the back so it was 2 sided. Was quite likely at the sanctuary due to its proximity. Had it blu tacked to my wall for 15+ years can't believe I've lost it now! - thanks for your help :-)

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