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Posted by Weed ( on 19:38:01 01/September/14
In Reply to: Massive longshot but hey... (Wanted) posted by Marc
: It's A6 size and was just a black and white with a pic of a cyclops with legs crossed levitating on. I picked it up from FLMoore records in Dunstable Bedfordshire sometime in the early to mid 90's.
hi Marc, can't find anything similar -- just to check -
black & white front (no colours at all?)
A6 (standard, not a bit bigger or smaller?)
cyclops (mythology, alien or ghost?)
line drawing (black on white background?)
local event? (Dunstable / Bedfordshire)
portrait or landscape? (vertical or horizontal)
have you come across any similar images online?
can you remember any other flyers you picked up at the same time?
do you remember any of the DJs?
have you asked on 'its all about flyers'?