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Posted by Weed ( on 16:19:11 04/December/09
apologies to all those who've sent me stuff to update the flyer pages at hyperreal.org
my Hyperreal account got culled by mistake about six months ago
which meant i couldn't upload or edit files
in June i was told i'd be given another account as soon as the pages had been moved to a new web server
the last i heard was that this would happen in July
i've emailed a couple of times since but haven't had a reply
it looks like there's been a communications breakdown
(pity, cos i've had flyers stuff hosted there since 1995 without any major problems)
so i guess all i can do is republish the Hyperreal content on the raveflyers.co.uk web space
(UK gallery, international collectors page, flyer gallery links, flyer books etc)
it'll take a while cos all the price guide pics will need to be re-uploaded
and i'm gonna need a clear head before i start doing all the internal link changes lol
the only page i'm thinking of dropping is the one on Central London dance music shops
(it's too hard for me to keep up to date now that i'm no longer working there)