Re: hyperreal flyer pages

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Posted by Weed ( on 05:56:15 09/December/09

In Reply to: Re: hyperreal flyer pages posted by phatdave

hi Dave,

thanks for the words of encouragement :)

: If its any help ive got a lot of my scans on flickr

wow! yes, lots of scans there! i'm sure i'll be making use of it

: If you need any other help maybe with webspace etc let us know.

thx for the offer, tho i'm hoping it'll be ok...
the last few years i've hosted most of my sites at -
their basic account provides unlimited web space and unlimited bandwidth
(...well at least in theory! lol)
they have a nice sense of humour,
and tech support who can read past the first line of a support ticket!!

: In the new year Ill be slim lining the phatmedia site to flyers only.

your database has been really helpful to me loads of times when trying to get info on flyers -- hope you get the uploading fixed

: good luck with the updates

going ok so far
have just finished uploading the pics to
and redone all the image links in the price guide

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