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Posted by phatdave ( on 15:16:03 07/September/05
In Reply to: Re: early plymouth rave flyer(s) posted by BlizzardUK
: Can't help, but I used to be a Plymouth raver, at the warehouse. I helped organise coach trips for most Plymouth raves from 1992 onwards. I didn't actually attend a Plymouth rave myself though until the Immaculate Conception in February 1995 (I think it was this date) at the Warehouse, then I went to various ones after that, mainly banging techno ones.
I think the immaculate conception was an Omnitech event, around 94. Shame you never made it too the earlier raves yourself, I was raving at the warehouse from 92 onwards and in my opinion these were the best days. It kind of trailed off when the nights went full on banging techno, Enjoy projects with Mark EG etc, got too much for a lot of us then. the music never varied like it used to so we switched to vibes on a saturday. all excellent times though.
still like to hear from any early janner ravers out there, 1990 - 1992...