raveflyers.co.uk message board | FAQ
Posted by Buzz ( on 22:18:51 06/February/05
Having been reading this message board for the last 2 or 3 years, it seems apparent that after trying to collect whatever flyers you are after, with no joy, the collecter seems to have had enough and then will sell most of their whole collection, its as if collecting is an act of attrition, and not everyone's going to get the flyers that they want and so they eventually give up ( i did the same with all of my northern flyers, noone seemed to be collecting them, so i sold em) I always see this with an aching of my heart as i find it sad that someone else is leaving the fold with such good collections, accumulated over the last 15 or so years, me included. So as i said before, the saddo that sticks to e bay (and i dont mean saddo in a bad way) and this message board for the next 20 years will probably clean up all of the flyers required, but will have nobody to show therm to (which i suppose doesnt matter to the avid collector anyway, as we are a selfish bunch ) but i still find it a touch sad and feel that another bit of club culture has gone forever