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Posted by Weed ( on 04:45:16 11/February/05
In Reply to: Re: the frustration/demise of the flyer collector posted by Buzz
: i know what you mean, it just seems that its obvious that theres a limited number of rare flyers that we're all after and most of us arent gonna get unless someone with a buff collection decides to sell up (unless you get a copied flyer from ebay thats advertised as original) just a big waiting game
i reckon there's about 250 sales of rave flyers on eBay at any one time (seems to vary between 150 and 350), and there's always new sellers disposing of their own collections which they're getting rid of for one reason or another, or collections they've found abandoned up in the loft - but i agree about the waiting... it's certainly a matter of patience (and good searching techniques)
must admit i've not seen or heard of any copied rave flyers advertised as originals on eBay - nearest i've come to it are dealers selling 80s Hacienda leaflets and posters and handouts, claiming that their goods are genuine and that the stuff being punted out by rival memorabilia dealers might not be - but being naive, i'd assumed this was just sales talk :)