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Posted by Disco Biscuit ( on 17:59:12 26/September/04
In Reply to: Re: selling my flyers posted by Weed
had a quick look through my 1989 flyers,
drum boogie, humanity, new generation phase 2 ,
freakout, the out of this world consortiumk, delirium, imagine, helter skelter, rave rebirth (raindance II), energy,
voyager, vip club, outlands, joy of the world,
panorama, horizon, meaning of life
and a quick look at some loose 1990
energy, pulse, cage club, ,dance 90 brighton, + farnborough, fun city, infinity ((loads of tyhgese), a few raindance
these were from my loose pile in envelopes, i also have 1990 folders as well
I am preparing a better list than this with dates and venues