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Posted by Weed ( on 23:10:20 22/April/20
In Reply to: Rights of flyers posted by Julia
hi Julia,
[i am not a copyright lawyer]
if the essay is for your academic use, eg as part of coursework for an exam or a thesis, then i'd
say it's ok for you to use them, though where possible the artist/ designer should be credited
however if it's for publication, where it will be read by the general public,
then it would be wise to try and get the permission of the artist/designer if possible,
and in those cases where it wasn't possible to include a disclaimer
that you were unable to find the name of the copyright holder
the copyright of flyers is complicated -- sometimes it's held by the
artist/designer, sometimes by the promoter, and sometimes not by anyone --
for many flyers it's not clear who, if anyone, owns the copyright
because the images on the flyers (company logos, photos, paintings etc)
have been used without permission of the original copyright holder
i hope this helps