Re: Photobucket changes and the impact on It's All About Flyers Forum (and other forums/blogs)

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Posted by Weed ( on 10:23:08 14/August/17

In Reply to: Photobucket changes and the impact on It's All About Flyers Forum (and other forums/blogs) posted by Wigs

sorry to hear about that Wigs

there was a similar problem with my Hyperreal pages (which i no longer have access to and where all my images were being stored) -
i crossed my fingers very tightly, transferred thousands of files and did a 'global replace' to update all my links
(maybe it's more difficult for a forum, unless you can find a script written for it?)

(have also had a couple of other disasters when i've taken advantage of offers of hosting facilities)

if bandwidth is a problem i should be able to help out -- will message you on IAAF

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