Looking to buy Rave Flyers

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Posted by Peter Concept ( on 20:24:54 27/October/15

After going into my mums loft to grab all My Old Flyers. Which had been there for 20+ Years. Only to discover that they had got damp due to moisture over the years. I was fuming and unhappy by this

Anyway Over the last 3 months i have literally had to start collecting from fresh. To which up to this point i am upto 1500 Flyers (Thank god for ebay) Obviously the flyers that i have brought are the most common ones. But I don't mind as its a start.

I was just wondering if anybody had any good condition flyers for sale just to add to my collection they can be common flyers or slightly rarer. Aslong as the price is right. And i am willing to pay decent money for them aswell

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