Re: the Prodigy

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Posted by THERAVECAVE ( on 08:07:58 19/April/15

In Reply to: Re: the Prodigy posted by Wigs

: Hi,
: There used to be an excellent prodigy resource called which listed (and had pictures of the flyers) for pretty much every event since 1990.
: Unfortunately the site now seems to have vanished, but by using, you can see old pages.. Unfortunately I don't think the links of the pictures work anymore, but there are contact details of the guy that ran it - David Starter -
: Also, but using the event names / dates listed you will be above to search sites such as for the images.
: Here's a link for a snap shot from 2006 where the links for the dates work. Obviously as time went on more dates were added.
: Good luck!
: Wigs

Hi Richard
If you drop me an email I can sort you out with loads of flyers from raves that The Prodigy played at. Contact me and we can agree a price per piece

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