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Posted by Weed ( on 08:04:52 08/April/14
In Reply to: Re: Requesting Weed posted by Carriah
hi Carriah -- hope your court appearance went better than expected
in case not... i could put up a message board for you somewhere under wussu.com
tho you're ok to continue using this one if you want to
it's not getting much traffic at the moment (cos there's now another specialist flyer forum run by a friend of mine)
i don't know what restrictions you're under
if you want a different message board, do you want it passworded?
(the open password on this one is just to keep out the spambots)
and do you want it kept out of sight of search engines?
(this board is indexed by search engines, but i can block them from indexing individual messages if necessary)
if you don't want your IP showing, i'd need to edit that out manually (or i may be able to hack the script)