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Posted by Weed ( on 09:12:39 30/January/13
In Reply to: Flyer Prices posted by dax247
: Whats going on? Have lots of new collectors entered the marketplace?
could be -- there's more info about flyers around these days -- as well as Wig's excellent 'its all about flyers' forum, there's lots of Facebook flyer pages which encourage collectors to get involved, or for people to try and get hold of that special flyer to remind them of the time when...
my theory is that there's a peak in popularity of collecting contemporary memorabilia about 25-30 years later (at least that seemed to happen with rock 'n' roll records and comics), when people's kids have left home, and at last they have the extra time and cash to indulge in memories of their youth :)
but i'd be interested what others think