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Posted by Blayboy ( on 13:30:01 01/December/11
Hi... Am currently writing the History Pages for my site and I'm compiling research. If any collectors could answer any of the following questions that would be great.. Thanks Sam
Q1: What is the most extreme thing you have done to get a flyer???
Q2: What s the most you would pay for a flyer???
Q3: What is your favourite Flyer / Set of Flyers / Type of Flyer???
Q4: When did you first start collecting Flyers?
Q5: Many of us had our rooms covered in Rave Flyers but at what point would you consider you actually became a Collector ?
Q6: What was it about rave flyers that made you want to collect them? (i.e. Artwork, Souvenirs, Memories, ECT)