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Posted by Wigs ( on 20:34:18 18/January/11
For my sins, I've decided to update the statistics for flyers sold on ebay in 2011 on Its-all-about-flyers.com
1 - All individual flyers sold over £10 will now have their ebay picture shown in the statistics along with price etc. Any flyers sold below £10 and above £3.50 will just have the description, price and date as before.
Example of January 2011: http://www.its-all-about-flyers.com/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=1271
2 - All rave flyer collections sold on ebay (i.e more than 1 flyer) from January 2011 onwards which were above £3.50 will be shown in one thread. Each post will contain the ebay description, date sold, amount, ebay image/s. http://www.its-all-about-flyers.com/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=1278