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Posted by Weed ( on 03:58:13 02/January/11
In Reply to: Paradise Found-Maximes Wigan wtd! posted by Darren
: Has anybody got a paradise found flyer from maximes in wigan around 1990-92
hi Dareen,
sorry, i don't have any spares
but for ref, here's a list of all the Paradise Found flyers i know of
(* = ones i have)
(anyone else have info on other Paradise Found flyers?)
?? ??? 1992 - BOUNTY - PARADISE FOUND - NEW DAWN MEMBERSHIP (Maximes) [Saturdays - year ok ??]
?? ??? 1992 - PARADISE FOUND AT MAXIMES - NEW DAWN PROMOTIONS (Maximes) [Saturdays - year ok ??] *
15 Aug 1992 - PARADISE FOUND - DANCE NETWORK (Maximes) *
19 Sep 1992 - PARADISE FOUND (Maximes) *
11 Feb 1995 - BOUNCY - PARADISE FOUND - OPENING NIGHT (Club House, Dinnington, Sheffield)
18 Feb 1995 - BOUNCY - PARADISE FOUND - (Club House, Rotherham Road, Sheffield)
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