wanted - chemistry or hso energy 99 or kaos stuff

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Posted by lew ( on 03:30:17 20/December/10

hello all,

im looking for an helter skelter flyer named energy 99.
and a pez chemistry flyer. the blue one not purple.
also any kaos stuff i might be interested in. kaos the artist not the promotor !

decent 89 stuff to trade or good price given.

p.s. if theres any big collectors out there who would share what they got via scans to see what i got. if your interested buzz me at masteryoda992004@yahoo.co.uk and ill tell more.
in a way your be joining a flyer club. where people share stuff to see new stuff.

can i just say thanks to all over the last purrr 8 yrs. too many names to mention but you know who you are.


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