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Posted by RIZZO ( on 14:20:39 05/November/10
In Reply to: Re: snide flyers posted by bdf
: : 'so why risk being exposed as fake seller for sake of few quid when your rep is going to take a hammering and the end result will be nobody will touch you with barge pole'
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: : That is the strange thing.. Seller previously had 100% feedback. So I do agree, why would anyone risk loosing that for the sake of a fairly small amount of money.
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: : 'if flyers he sold me are fake then we may aswell give collecting up cause there as good as originals'
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: : From other comments posted at least one person stated they had also received real flyers fromn the seller as well as ones they suspect were fake. Yours may well be real.
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: : Would be good if a buyer who received a suspected fake could send it to someone (such as Weed) who also has a copy of the same flyer to give their opinion.
: the only flyer ive any doubt about is the sunrise 1000 pink flyer ive seen so many diff flyers of this its hard to say whats real and whats not for example on some of the 1000 pink flyers ive seen some have sunrise 1000 written in bold and differant style writing to the one i have then theres others with same writing and style as the sunrise 1000 i brought some have got sigitures some havent even the pic on the priceguild flyer as got signiture missing mine as got signiture so were do you start
Your Sunrise 1,000 flyer sounds good to me Glenn, with 'Tony Sunrise' sig on A6, pink card. I checked mine against the one on Weed's site and if anything, the one Weed's got looks pony - poorly cut, misaligned border around edges, no sig, Sunrise 1,000 font different to other Sunrise flyers i got. I know mines all good, cos i knew Dave from Sunrise and used to party with him. When we used to put on parties around London and put up 20+g for a party, we probably put aside a couple of hundred quid for a flyer print run for a couple of thousand flyers. On top of that, if we ran out/ needed more flyers, we either issued more flyers from printers or just photocopied from ones we already had - so what im saying is, there is probably a lot of variation across the same flyer - different papers, print quality, sizes, colours...it was only the fantazias/ dreamscapes that could afford to throw a few thousand at printers and get a single, one-off print run done of 20,000 flyers + to distribute nationwide. So there is a good chance flyers for the same parties do differ, depending on where you picked them up from around the country. I bet you could pick differences from the 'same' 20 flyers.