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Posted by bdf ( on 20:03:50 03/November/10
In Reply to: Re: snide rave flyers <prints of rare ones > ebay posted by Dissapointing
: Just to add a bit of History to this whole scam. A few years ago he was also selling fake flyers under the name of Hobbaabboh on ebay and sold copied Amnesia/Kaleidoscope 90 flyers and some early Sunrises to a few different collectors. Now a few years on and guess what..........................................................................the same fake Amnesia/Kaleidoscope 90 and Sunrises appear again but this time with some other unwanted fake flyers.
: Not Good, stay well clear
dont know if were on about same dude but ive brought a few amnesia and surise flyers and they look the real mccoy to me what makes people say they are snide and if they are hes good at it cause ive got 300+ and they look no different to the rest there was five amnesias all different paper/card variation on amnesia logo on all logo used flyers dont think you would go to them lenghts if you was banging snides out surely also brought sunrise midsummers looks the dogs like you say unless you have/owned the genuine flyer you dont know if there the real or copies the one ive got like i said its the same in colour and every other aspect as the ones ive seen in other albums so ive got to say its the genuine article until someone proves me wrong also brought was a sunrise 1000 and sunrise 4000 flyers the pics of mine are poorly scanned so appear to be lighter then the genuine flyers i can take better scanned pics to show there true colours cause like midsummers they look no different to the genuine artical so unless somebodys proves me otherwise ive got to say flyers are geniune