Re: snide rave flyers <prints of rare ones > ebay

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Posted by dubious ( on 17:25:02 03/November/10

In Reply to: snide rave flyers <prints of rare ones > ebay posted by dubious

: any one else had any word on these notice they seem to be selling but no feedback being left .have heard whispers some are real some are just prints its very hard to tell untill you get them .speak up if its happened to you name and shame

hi guys this is dubious real name shall remain secret i am always on wigs site some of you may even be able to guess who i am . im really pleased i outed this guy he is a proper skanking w**ker i just wish i did it earlier might of been able to save some of you some cash .any way we got him in the end he obviously hasnt got any of the true oldskool spirit in him otherwise he wouldnt rob honest folk .cheers guys peace

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