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Posted by THERAVECAVE ( on 07:49:57 03/May/10
In Reply to: Re: Change in Ebay Listing fees - shop opening soon! posted by Wigs
I agree 100% although I am guilty of relisting flyers over and over again purely because of the time it takes to scan and list new flyers - for me if they are listed at the same price then relisting is less time consuming. Hopefully we will see better folyers on Ebay from now on as it will no longer be commercially viable for sellers to relist 100's at a time
: Personally I'm pleased that ebay has taken this step. At the moment I think there being over 4,000 flyers on ebay at any one time is not a good thing, especially when most have already been listed many many times and not sold. I don't blame sellers for relisting items that havn't sold, especially when it is free.
: I look forward to seeing what impact this has. It should hopefully mean a limited amount of rarer flyers being listed and ones that don't sell aren't relisted time and again.