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Posted by Weed ( on 22:57:45 08/June/09
In Reply to: 2nd chance ebay fubar flyers and rez package posted by stephen
: ive got a massive rez flyer/poster nearly takes up whole size of wall,
: does anyone know whats a reasonable price for it...from febuary 1995
i don't have the large flyer/poster, but i've got a Rez flyer for 18th Feb 95
(it's folded in two, and when unfolded is 46cms high by 16cms wide)
but it's got "50th Anniversary" in big letters! i presume that should be "5th Anniversary"?
but that would mke the first Rez in 1990
Rez 3 was 11th July 91 and Rez 5 was 22nd Aug 91
have you (or anyone) got the dates of Rez 1, Rez 2 and Rez 4?