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Posted by fran ( on 19:06:06 02/October/08
In Reply to: Re: Cheesy Quaver Raver Shop posted by Dean
: : : Hello all
: : :
: : : Due to good old ebay re-structuring the shop system and essentially ripping us all off even more on the fee front I am in a position where the shop may well soon become an unprofitable thing. Listing flyers in a shop has now become more expensive than listing in auction style and the fees pile up at a ridiculously rapid rate. So essentially, unless the shop is used more regularly and sales improve to cover these fees then I will be forced to close it. So its really a case of using it or losing it guys. I know many of you may have bought flyers from me in the past, big thankyous to all that have. I appreciate it. Thanks for reading guys.
: : :
: : : Dean
: :
: : ebay is so out of order with the prices it charges, I gave up listing on ebay ages ago as it cost me more than I would make. thats why all mine are on my own website. maybe you should do that?? then at least you only have paypal costs to cover.
: :
: Hiya. Yeah, I had thought about doing that but Im not sure how I would even go about setting one up? Have you any advice, it would be appreciated. Cheers.
hi dean, try ebid mate - pay a one off fee for life, no final value fees or listing fees, fran