Re: HELP me i searge thunderdome flyers and more message board  |  FAQ

Posted by Stare!! ( on 10:21:06 26/November/07

In Reply to: HELP me i searge thunderdome flyers and more posted by Flyerolav

Hey Olav

That is a BIG collection of Hardcore flyers you have there:)

Yes you are right Thunderdome did 2 parties in Australia but i cant remember what year they are from:-

The first one was called The Possession and the flyer has the Thunderdome clown on it but it is different to the normal clown flyers and it took place in Perth, Western Australia

The Second event was called The Possession II and the flyer has Chucky on it but the background is different to the normal chucky flyers.

I have both flyers somewhere but no doubles of them, a lot of other Dutch collectors have wanted to buy these 2 flyers from me but i have still have them. Maybe we can sort something out:)

I also have other Thunderdome flyers from Germany and Belgium if your interested.

Email me at :-
and i will send you some pictures of them!

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