Re: pez flyers. message board  |  FAQ

Posted by hobbaabboh ( on 09:43:06 07/March/07

In Reply to: pez flyers. posted by rob

: hi all. i am trying two get all the flyers by pez at the min i have none how many are there? were would by the best place to start? are there any books on his work? does anyone have pez flyers for sale? would like some help if pos thanks alot,rob.


Little bit of info on Pez - check link :

Pez flyers [pre 91], tend to be the most sought after, but most are quite readily available - especially 93 onwards stuff - Helter Skelter, Dreamscape etc. Easy to recognise, cos most were tagged either Pezism or Pez and done in airbrush.

I can help kick start your collection, as i have a few 91/92/93 stuff for Raindance, Beyond Therapy, Dance Dimension & Helter Skelter...

Message me and i will send you details/ pics etc.


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