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Posted by Weed ( on 13:47:59 03/March/07
In Reply to: Re: Help needed!! HUGE mound of flyers found during a sort out!!! posted by dibs
hi Dibs,
i guess you've seen the main page of the price guide, which gives general advice about buying and selling (+ a few suggestions re eBay)
it all depends how much time you want to spend -- starting off by selling them individually will fetch higher prices, but it's time consuming, and many of the flyers probably won't sell at the first attempt -- you can see the difference between single sales and collections of flyers for the same event by checking the price guide for that event
the Collections page of the price guide may also be worth having a look at -- the advice on condition and listing is relevant even though it's about sales of collections of flyers for different events
if you come back here to let us know when your flyers are up on eBay, don't forget to use the link facility to give a link to your Items for Sale page
good luck with your sales :)