Re: Need to find a flyer from around 1990-95 message board  |  FAQ

Posted by Weed ( on 13:44:07 09/January/07

In Reply to: Re: Need to find a flyer from around 1990-95 posted by Amit

: : : It was quite an arty picture of a mountain surrounded by a lake.. orangey red in colour.. possibly with a ship on it.
: It was landscape between a3 and a6 in size. Rectangular... Painting... style I would say fantasy/romantic
: location UK... from memory the ship was an old galleon/pirate ship all in black
: I think there was also a red setting sun in the pic

hmm... so it's somewhere between the size of a tabloid newspaper and a postcard...

do you think there was any text on the front of the flyer? if so can you remember the possible colour(s) of the text and whereabouts it might have been (top, bottom, middle or edge?) - did the flyer have a (white?) border or surround?

did you ever see the back of the flyer? if so was it plain or did it have text/graphics on it?

can you remember where you were likely to have been living at the time? (if not the town or the county, then maybe the country? - England, Ireland, Scotland or Wales?)

have you ever seen that particular flyer anywhere else? (eg did any of your friends also have it on their walls?) - do you know how you got it? (eg from a shop, given by friend, from outside a club, mail-out etc) - if you can remember how old you were when you first saw the flyer that would give a possible year which would help

also if you know why you think it was a rave flyer... eg did it have the date of a particular event? or might it have been a merchandise flyer advertising a new release or clothing etc? could the picture have come out of a magazine?

you could try downloading the flyers database at and doing seaches on the description field - if you want to check through pics of flyers, there's also a page of links to galleries

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