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Posted by hobbaabboh ( on 16:20:28 29/August/06
In Reply to: flyers wanted posted by kath
: hi all
: i know this is a long shot but was wonderingif any of you specialists out there might have any of these flyers
: any from tokyo jos [eruption] grimsby
: any creme de la creme ones from skegness [ice creams] how many do,s did they hold?
: a new dimension hull
: and last of all any sky blue connexion amnesia coventry
: many thanks for your time
: k x x
Hi Kath
I have got a few spares from 'up north, including eruption @ Tokyo Jo's, all-out on creme de la creme at mo, but may have new-dimension @ Hull too, just contact me [by clicking on name] or check link @ http://stores.ebay.co.uk/120-beatsperminute
Just sold a few sky-blue Amnesia flyers, but still have one from Shelleys 1990 [xmas party - not currently listed in price guide] available too...can sort something out for you!
hobbaabboh @ ebay shop: 120+beatsperminute