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Posted by Weed ( on 03:41:58 29/August/06
In Reply to: flyers wanted posted by kath
: any creme de la creme ones from skegness [ice creams] how many do,s did they hold?
hi Kath,
here's a list of all the East Midlands Creme de la Creme flyers i know of -
10 Jul 93 - ice cream - Skegness (1st?)
14 Aug 93 - ice cream - Skegness
04 Sep 93 - ice cream - Skegness
09 Oct 93 - ice cream - Skegness
30 Oct 93 - ice cream - Skegness
13 Nov 93 - A5 - Mansfield
27 Nov 93 - A5 - Skegness
i think there was also a 1st birthday flyer (does anyone have the details?)
do u know any others? which ones are you after?
PS i've come across a few other flyers which also used Creme de la Creme for the event name or the name of the promoter - all were held in Southern England, 1994 or later - 8 in London, 3 in Harrow Wield (Mddx) and 1 in Slough (Berks)
hope this helps :)