swaps / sell !

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Posted by Lew ( on 11:32:17 06/June/06

Rare artistic pictures mostly from early 1990 - late 91
best prices paid / good swaps available. (£5 / £25 each)

offer good swaps for items I need of,

Dreamstate - 92 / 93 various
pulse - various,
Starlight 90 / 91 - imparticular Oct 90 (if your reading markandselly) you tosser - answer your emails
1st & second pleasure dome,
weekend world - apology 1 & 2, & rave to the grave 1,2 & 3
1st amnesia house - sky blue connection
pandamonium - 90 - 91
eclipse cambridge, 1st one (red & white) mar 93, jan 92 (round) & summer series 91.
any rare artistic pic !

p.s. - anyone do colour prints from staples for us ? pay ya !

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