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Posted by Stare ( on 07:24:49 05/September/05
In Reply to: Re: creme de la creme posted by Weed
: : they were all shaped like ice creams
: : all events were at skegness the old pleasuredome
: hi Scott
: i've probably got spares for 14th Aug, 4th Sep, 10th Oct, 30th Oct, all from 93 - email if u want them - can you tell me of any other Skegness Creme flyers you know about? (apart from bulldog flyer of 27th Nov)
: thanks
: Weed - weed@wussu.com
Hey Scott
Ive got the Opening Night flyer for Creme De La Creme dated July 10th 93, its in Mint condition but not a spare, i would be willing to swap or sell it if your still interested.
Weed if you want a scan of this one for your records just let me know mate.