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Posted by Weed ( on 20:46:09 29/June/05
: Why don't the flyers on eBay appear to be selling as well lately anyway???
hi Natalie,
i'm more familiar with prices up to the end of March 05, but i think it's part of the same trend
anyway here's my thoughts on it...
the price of the collectible 80s flyers seems to be holding up (Genesis, Biology, Shoom, Rage, Sin, RIP, Spectrum, Sunrise etc), but the price for most of the standard 90s flyers has definitely fallen over the last year (and over the last two years)
the main reason is probably that the number of flyer sales has been increasing - the number of buyers has probably also been increasing, but not at the same rate - so there's something of a surplus of flyers right now
the number of sales more than doubled in the early part of this year, and is still running pretty high
and some of the sellers have multiple copies of the same flyer, which brings the price down still further
all down to supply and demand ^^
however some of the prettier ones which haven't appeared on eBay before have been doing ok (such as the recent sales of Pulse and Pleasuredomes) - this tends to lead to bidding wars often pushing the price up to double figures...
...and then other sellers see them going for good prices so they also put them up for sale.... and that's when the price drops ^^
another reason may be that new bidders might well pay a couple of quid for a Fantazia or a Dreamscape they need, but if they get into collecting it makes a lot more sense for them to buy up a hundred or more flyers for 20 pounds, cos there's almost certainly going to be a few Fantazias and Dreamscapes amongst them - and then they can sell off all the ones they don't need.... which pushes down the price of the commn flyers even further
sometimes a mint flyer will attract bidders who already have a copy but not in mint condition
someone suggested to me that a drastic drop in prices almost overnight was due to one of the more active buyers deciding to stop building up their collection... but that sounds like too simple an explanation ^^
the stats on the 'collections' page only goes up to Dec 04 but the same trends continue into 2005 (i hope to add the Jan-Mar 05 data within the next couple of weeks)
i think there's a general pattern for collectibles - once the market settles, the rarest in mint condition will increase in value - everything else will stay roughly the same or fall