Re: Eclipse Flyers Oct - Dec 1990? message board  |  FAQ

Posted by @34flyer ( on 13:15:18 29/April/05

In Reply to: Eclipse Flyers Oct - Dec 1990? posted by Fatlips Eclipse

: Hi - First message posted so here goes.... Wicked website btw!
: Now then, there doesn't seem to be many Eclipse (Coventry) flyers from pre-1991. The club opened in Oct 1990 and so far I've only seen an Energy one from December that year - does anyone know what other ones there are?
: I've got a small Eclipse flyer with the "Dali" picture on it that has no date on it and advertises Fridays 11pm until 4am and Saturdays 11pm until 8am the blurb says 'November dates to include: Ubik, Ragga Twins, HHFD, Sacha (sic), Fabio, Grove Rider (sic), Evil Eddie Richards, Mr C, JJ Frost, Micky Finn etc.'
: Is that one from Nov 1990 perhaps or is it 1991?
: All help greatly appreciated :)
: Fatlips

havent seen monthly for nov 90 myself i assume the small dali flyer you have is the elephant/swan flyer the one i have as a sticker covering maybe nov 90? dates with dates for dec 90 dates

did they use small dali flyer for both nov and dec 90? i would have to look at flyer to see if sticker as differant P As for month of dec apart from small dali flyer the only other eclipse flyers i have for 1990 are opening night flyer 13th oct 90 the above mentioned energy flyer 14th dec 90 and a amnesia house flyer 28th dec 90

apart from energy and amnesia there isnt that that many flyers around its not until apr/may 91 that you start getting eclipse flyers for bang in tunes/new age and omens on regular monthly basis think the only eclipse monthly i have pre apr 91 is the large dali flyer that as dates for both feb/mar 91

sure the reason for the lack of early flyers was all the free publicity the eclipse got in first place with it being first legal club and all that everybody publised it for them?


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