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Posted by Weed ( on 18:23:10 28/April/05
In Reply to: Eclipse Flyers Oct - Dec 1990? posted by Fatlips Eclipse
hi Fatlips,
: ...Eclipse (Coventry) flyers from pre-1991...
: ...opened in Oct 1990... an Energy one from December
: ...does anyone know what other ones there are?
i'm also looking for info on early Eclipse flyers
the following list is almost cerainly incomplete and probably inaccurate
help appreciated with corrections and omissions -
13 Oct 90 - A New Beginning (see link to pic of both sides below)
16 Nov 90 - Energy ("red/yellow/grey swirls") ???
14 Dec 90 - Energy (in price guide) (or 1991 ??)
28 Dec 90 - Amnesia House - Christmas Cracker (in price guide)
: I've got a small Eclipse flyer with the "Dali" picture on it that has no date on it and advertises Fridays 11pm until 4am and Saturdays 11pm until 8am the blurb says 'November dates to include: Ubik, Ragga Twins, HHFD, Sacha (sic), Fabio, Grove Rider (sic), Evil Eddie Richards, Mr C, JJ Frost, Micky Finn etc.'
: Is that one from Nov 1990 perhaps or is it 1991?
what's the exact size?
which Dali painting?
any chance of seeing pics of both sides?