raveflyers.co.uk message board | FAQ
Posted by Weed ( on 12:25:23 08/March/05
there's now some links to external galleries from the individual flyer sections of the price guide - am happy to add more, but there needs to be a direct link to a page devoted to flyers for a specific organisation/venue - also i'd prefer for the page to be open access (not password protected), for flyers to be well organised (eg dated and in chronological order), to show both sides of the flyers, and for reasonable quality pics (so that at least the main flyer text is readable)
there's a page of links to general flyer pages and galleries at Hyperreal - see link below
while i'm rabbiting on... apologies for raveflyers.co.uk pages often being slow to load during the daytime - this should get sorted out in the next few weeks