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Posted by Carl ( on 22:28:49 17/October/04
In Reply to: 808 State Show posted by Dave Johnston
Yes mate, I have a show that I have put onto CD so it can be supplied by post or / ftp'd in MP3 format. It is an absolute classic from 1990 when they had just returned from Ibiza and they announce that johnathon from together had died in a motor bike accident over there and they play hardcore uproar as a tribute.It also has total confusion on it.
I am interested in anything from around that time. I also have stew allan's best of 92 mix that I have put on CD.
There was also a pirate station called IBC transmitted from Bolton and I am trying to get anything that was recorded from them as I have lost my tapes.
I also have DJ cherokee live at Rock world in Manchester when new dawn were doing the all nighters if you are interested in that.
: Has anyone got any tapes of the 808 State Show ( 9pm tuesday nights on sunset 102 FM manchester),i have one to swap from 1990 when "Total Confusion" was number 1 in the Eastern Block top 10.